common sense

common sense, also known as good sense, has a slightly broader spectrum than its traditional conception, since, beyond re-acknowledging that «common sense is not the most common of senses», it is not the easiest sense to develop,
especially in complex and uncertain environments, which we now call VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous), so that to the traditional common sense, or good sense, we want to add a point of knowledge of oneself, or internal awareness,
and knowledge of the environment, or eco-systemic awareness,
so we’re going to encourage you to consider what this traditional word, common sense, or common sense, supposedly the most common of the senses that adorns the human species, is for you today,
and that you check out some of the following looks,
King Solomon, who decides to cut the child born of 2 mothers into equal parts, as a solution to an evil plot proposes a solution to a problem that allows him to discern who is lying and who is not,
Leonardo Boff, whose blog koinomía, in a complex scenario, distils meanings, brings understanding to situations,
José Saramago, with such succulent works as essay on blindness, or the gospel according to Jesus Christ, why do we want interpreters if the biographer is present.
If you like, we leave you with a couple of sentences so that you can compose your own image of this common sense, or so uncommon, depending on how you look at it.

Today’s world has no meaning, so why should I paint pictures that do? – Pablo Picasso
if you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain – Dolly Parton

don’t waste your time banging on the wall in the hope of TRANSforming it into a door – Coco Chanel
and I am left with a smile on my face thinking of all the times, I think there are many, when I have insisted on asking for pears from the elm tree.

Does Mafalda seem to you to be a good example of a sufficiently sensible person?

Today’s world has no meaning, so why should I paint pictures that do? – Pablo Picasso
if you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain – Dolly Parton

don’t waste your time banging on the wall in the hope of TRANSforming it into a door – Coco Chanel
and I am left with a smile on my face thinking of all the times, I think there are many, when I have insisted on asking for pears from the elm tree.

Does Mafalda seem to you to be a good example of a sufficiently sensible person?

the path of consciousness